
About the project

This project includes studies on the priorities of combating environmental and climate change and creating skills development and ensuring quality improvement in adult education. With the implementation of this project, it is desired to make a positive contribution to the environment and climate change by re-evaluating waste recycling, especially in artistic content, and to create awareness about environmental awareness.

Program: Erasmus+ KA210-ADU Small-scale partnership

Ref. number: 2021-1-TR01-KA210-ADU-000034997

Implementation period: 15 months

Planned activities


International meeting / Discussion and Exchange of Good Practices in Turkey “To raise awareness about environmental protection and waste recycling”


International meeting / Discussion and Workshop in Lithuania Workshop on “Recycling handicrafts and waste”


International meeting / Training module and design in Croatia Spain “Recycling of Waste with Handicrafts and Ecological Solutions”


International meeting / Exhibition in Spain